Oracle Cloud Is a Boon for Database Administrators - Get to Know Why?

by / January, 2019 / Published in Oracle DBA Tips

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When cloud technology came up a few years back, it brought with it a lot of questions and a false impression was built around it. The DBAs (Database Administrators) probably took it more like a threat thinking that it would end up their jobs. But, in reality, Oracle Cloud is a boon for database administrators. Here are the reasons that justify this. Oracle offers fully cloud technology IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and DBaaS. Only Oracle offers all are together under ownership. Main benefit of cloud technology is elastic scaling. "Pay as what you use". Do not pay what you do not use.

Adapt the New Technology and Benefit from it:

Initially, cloud computing evolved as SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) when businesses started using it to build new applications or buy apps. Over time, they developed trust and are now open to migrating their core applications to the cloud using it more like DBaaS DBA. In this transition, DBAs can take the lead by architecting the navigation from on-premise to cloud infrastructure. There are lots of benefits of utilize cloud technology which are strong security, cost saving, man power saving, Scalability etc.

Be an Advisor to the Company:

Companies are planning to migrate to the newer technology and as a DBA you can advise the company as to what its legacy systems should look like in the forward-looking technology. They can serve as an important link, especially in the hybrid cloud environment by preserving the legacy system functionality and at the same time helping the company to reap the benefits of the cloud.

Be Instrumental in Combining Things Together:

One of the major benefits of cloud technology is that provisioning of services that used to take weeks or even months happens in a matter of minutes. Though provisioning happens quickly, it requires integration of different readymade components. Using Oracle PaaS (Platform as a Service), DBAs can combine the different components like Oracle Documents Cloud, Oracle Mobile Cloud Service, Oracle Process Cloud Service, and Oracle Messaging Cloud Service to make it a complete application.

Help in Convergence of the Physical and the Digital World:

Oracle Cloud DBA can help with the convergence of or mapping together the physical and digital world. Since they are experts in Oracle technology as well as Oracle Cloud, they can figure out how this convergence can happen. For instance, working on a large water filtration project in L&T Infotech in India, they helped in bringing sensor devices to these water filters. These were connected to the Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service, which was connected to Oracle Mobile Cloud Service and Oracle Java Cloud Service. This convergence of physical and digital world that was made possible by a group of technologists helped the customers to see the happenings in real time on the mobile devices and respond immediately.

Broaden the Perspective:

Earlier, companies used to deploy a lot of capital building the entire infrastructure and maintaining it on premises. As a DBA, if you are aware of the architectures and the infrastructure that already exists in the cloud, you can help your company to understand how to save capital by leveraging it. As a DBA, you would have all the knowledge about how data gets stored, indexed, and utilized. Deploy this knowledge and carve out plans that will help your company identify and utilize the cloud services in a simple and inexpensive manner.

Oracle Cloud is a boon if the DBAs see it in the right perspective and instead of feeling threatened by it they should realize the opportunities it offers.

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