Oracle DBA Interview Questions-5th Edition Released

March 05, 2014 / Published in News

oracle dba interview questions

Finally latest 5th edition of Oracle DBA Interview Questions & Answers book has been released by This latest edition includes Oracle 12c database features.

Kendba received valuable suggestions and change recommendations from readers for their last 4th edition of book. Due to this reason latest edition published with necessary changes and improve content. Publisher also got complain about duplication and repeated interview questions mentioned in 4th edition. This error has been rectified in latest edition. There are so many new real time scenario based dba interview questions added in book with proper explanation.

"Improved edition with full of tricky and real time scenario based interview questions are useful to Oracle DBA community."

Gitesh Trivedi- Author of Book

Off course, 4th edition of Oracle DBA Interview Questions & Answer book became best seller of 2013 for due to wonderful sell. Thus, for latest 5th edition of book, Kendba introduced 20% discount offer as introductory offer to everybody. James Smith said "This book becomes popular and due to heavy demanding it would be setting up new achievement of sell in this year of 2014." Publisher is very happy to get excellent response for this book. "Off course, we rectified all errors in latest edition. But still we are accepting new suggestions and error pointing from our reader."

5th edition of Oracle DBA Interview Questions & Answers book doesn't contain stereotype questions answers which are available on so many websites at web. It contains unique tricky dba interview questions with real time scenario and fact based queries which are being questioned by interviewer and recruiter in real technical interview of Oracle database administration. Due to this reason, don't compare this book with online interview questions. This is up to date book with Oracle versions 12c,11g,10g,9i,8i with all basic architecture query bank.

Book is obligate to IT recruiter, IT manager, and IT management for grabbing high skilled employee for this complex environment. Book is practical guide to every Oracle DBA including fresher and intermediate who wants to grab job from global competitive market.

More than 92% fresher doesn't get Oracle DBA job from market. More than 76% intermediate Oracle DBA doesn't get good chance for changing job. Oracle DBA Interview Question book would help to get rid of this situation and boosts confidence of candidate. Book is available at

Sample Chapters you can find out from following links....

Sample Chapters of Interview Questions:

Oracle DBA Backup and Recovery Interview Questions

Tricky SQL interview questions for Oracle DBA

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